Monday 2 January 2012

The lungs album cover was photographed by London based photographer Tom Beard. He has worked with Florence on several occasions, with each image show casing both her person style and personality. He has shot preplanned styled photographs of her, and also spontaneous shots of her backstage during tours and performing onstage at concerts.

The following images have been preplanned, and although they are very simple in terms of styling and props they still deliver a message. To me the images suggest the the calm before the storm, her career could perhaps be described as a whirlwind. On the left image she seems calm and withdrawn, reserved and relaxed though deep in thoughts. The right image conveys quite the opposite, it shows an outburst of energy, or maybe a release of anger, her thoughts appear hectic and unbalanced. 

The following images have been spontaneous shots of Florence whilst performing onstage. Tom Beard have been able to both capture the moment, and the movement and shape of the garments shes wearing. 

I really like the idea of using lights as a backdrop, because although they are simple they prove to be really effective, especially against a dark colour, in this case black.

Both images on the next page contain the same rabbit, yet display entirely different emotions. The first image shows reference to spring, purity, innocence and shyness whereas the second image shows almost despair and loneliness with a darker colour scheme. The wallpaper appears to be that of a child which suggests perhaps she is reminiscing, longing to go back in time, or maybe to relive certain moments of her childhood. Alternatively there may be a childhood memory that is almost painful and causes sorrow. The message conveyed between the two images, to me, suggests the burying of the past and the start of new beginnings. The presence of the rabbit in both pictures could be used to represent an object, a memory or an element of her childhood that remains with her. This may be effecting her life now, and that may be way she is shying away behind the rabbit.
Symbolism of rabbits
'Despite this suspicious view of rabbits and their association with fertility and sexuality, Renaissance painters used the symbol of a white rabbit to convey a different meaning altogether: one of chastity and purity. It was generally believed that female rabbits could conceive and give birth without contact with the male of the species, and thus virginal white rabbits appear in biblical pictures of the Madonna and Child. The gentle timidity of rabbits also represented unquestioning faith in Christ’s Holy Church in paintings such as Titian’s Madonna with Rabbit(1530).' The Symbolism of Rabbits and Hares by Terri Windling. 

Fruit is a form of nature often forgotten about. When we think about nature, especially when is comes to photography, we automatically think of trees, plants, flowers, mountains, lakes and other forms of landscapes. We tend to overlook fruit and so it is simple dismissed by most people. That is what drew me to these images, Tom Beard has completed a series of shots all of which capturing fruit as a key focal point.  

For the next series of photographs Tom Beard has opted for natural environment, and brought the shots to the great outdoors. He captures both the innocence of Florence and the beauty of the nature surrounding her. The overall style of the images is light, airy and pure. The surroundings often dominate most of the images, however the Florence's presence is felt within each one.  

The following photography, though not of Florence herself, are of a similar style. Nature is a key element in the images. The shots are again quite simple, this however they are black and white images. 

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