Tuesday 3 January 2012

Fashion illustrators.

Cassandra Rhodin

Below is my attempt at creating an illustration in the same style. Although the original images are produced using inks I created mine using fine liners and water colour paints.  

Stina Persson

I decided to recreate this illustration, as i felt it already related to Florence with the use of flowers. Once again this image has been produced using inks, before being scanned into a computer and edited to create the coloured shapes. Due to the fact i don't have inks or a scanner i decided to produce it using a fine liner and tissue paper.  

The original image was of a woman drawn in inks before being scanned into a computer along with paper doilies. I decided to Create the image using water colour paints and using actually paper doilies. 

Petra Dufkova

Florence's style is similar to that of Kate Bush. I Selected two nature inspired photographs of her and found that two of Petra's illustrations were very similar, in terms of the make-up and colour schemes.

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