Monday 19 March 2012

One two buckle my shoe....

What am I going to do?
I am going to base my project on nursery rhymes, looking into things such as; the origins of the rhymes, why they were first created, the purpose of them and hidden meanings within them.

Why have i chosen this?
 I am really interested in the origins of nursery rhymes and the reasons for their creations. After a brief look into origins of a few rhymes I came to realise there are quite sinister meanings portrayed within them, that wouldn't initially come across as you read them, hence why they are told to small children. 

What I aim to achieve
I am going to chose a single nursery rhyme and analyse the text. I am focus on the real meanings of the rhyme, concentrating on the history and events of that particular era. I'm going to gain a better understanding of why the rhyme was written by looking into what was happening at the time. I am going to research things such as; main events, social life, general fashion art movements and artist of the specific period.

By the end of the project
By the end of the project I am going to have a collection of garments, that may not necessarily appear to be an interpretation of a nursery rhyme, as it will be based on the hidden meanings within it. My idea is to portray the origins within my garments to make people think. 

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