Sunday 10 June 2012

Luxury Vs Practicality

The choice of clothing for the both sides during the civil couldn't differ anymore. The Cavaliers opted for elaborate, highly embellished, sophisticated garments that focused more on the image of the solider rather than the safety. Whilst the Roundheads chose plain garments teamed with practical, hard wearing armour that helped to protect their most vulnerable areas; the head, chest and back. 

The lace collar seen on this portrait of King Charles had a strong influence on my designs.
I really like the idea of a large, almost exaggerated lace collar to complete the look, adding an extra touch of  elegance and sophistication to the overall garment. I feel it relays the message of wealth and high class.

The shape of the armour worn by the parliamentarians was a key inspiration whilst i created my designs for my second garment. I was particularly interested in the 'skirt' like shape of the bottom, and the buckles found on the shoulders. I have incorporated structures similar to these within my designs.  

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